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Gameplay Programmer

Angus Dale

I'm a Dundee based games programmer specialising in C++, C# and HLSL currently studying at Abertay University


This assignment required us to make a scene in the DirectX 11 framework, which demonstrated different shader techniques. This includes vertex manipulation, lighting, shadows, PCF shadows, bloom post processing, dynamic tessellation and grass using the geometry shader. For more detailed explanations, check out my report on the project.

CMP301 Shaders

Grade: A+
DirectX11 Framework

The task for this assignment was to design and create a polished mechanic using unreal. I opted for a Zenyatta cross Leviathan Axe mechanic that sees the player controlling 6 orbs as projectiles. The player can fire them individually, charge the attack and fire them all at once, or shoot them down to launch into the air (scaled by how many orbs the player currently has). The player can then recall the orbs. 

CMP302 Mechanic Demo

Grade: A+

In this project we were tasked with making a game for the PS Vita using

Box2D and the GEF Framework. I decided to make a game where the player uses a controller analogue stick to guide a plane around a level, popping balloons as they go. The title is a nod to the movie Up.

Cleaning Up After Carl

Grade: A+
C++, Box2D, GEF Framework

Hunters of the High Road Prototype

The hunters of the high road prototype was developed over the course of 3 months in a team of 8. My role on this project was focussed around developing the boss fight, creating the boss's attacks, behaviour and interactions with the player. Being the first boss fight I'd ever made, the project presented many fun challenges and learning opportunities.


Grade: TBD

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